
logo Guzzini

Plus d’un siècle d’existence avec toujours à l’esprit l’envie de créer des produits pratiques, utiles, accessibles et intemporels.

Les couleurs, les matières, la diversité des créations qui touchent tous les domaines de la maison font de GUZZINI, un acteur incontournable dans le milieux du design…


Guzzini Headquarters


Qui sommes nous

Guzzini more 100 years of uniqueness, mare than 100 of made in Italy

100 ans de design Italien

100 ans de design Italien

FratelliGuzzini has been operating for more than 100 years in the production of design objects for the home and it has brought colourand ease in food preparation and consumption. Some of the leading names in the world of international design chose to work together with Guzzini for its ability to make simple items in an extraordinary way by combining functionality with a stylish design: from Robin Levien, Ross Lovegrove, Ettore Sottsass, Karim Rashid, Marc Sadler, Sebastian Conran to Carlo Colombo, Ora Ïto, Pio&TitoToso, Continuum and Antonio Citterio. The aesthetical and functional research, experimenting innovative and wisely combined materials, able to anticipate the variable demands of consumers, renderethe company one of the worldwide symbols of “Made in Italy”.


Guzzini Designers

From the beginning, that is, for over 100 years, Fratelli Guzzini has been collaborating with some of the most important designers. Collaboration with the designers involves a very close, intense relationship that is rarely exhausted during the design phase of a piece but, on the contrary, endures over time. Artists who “live” inside the company, in its production and technological processes, understand its potential and, alongside, the company, develop innovation by researching new materials, new production techniques, new answers to needs, and unique, stylish solutions capable, sometimes, of becoming the latest trend.

Awards & designs


Guzzini 246 designers
Guzzini 6 ediziono

Brand Values

Guzzini Brand Values Innovation
Guzzini Brand Values design
Guzzini Brand Values Function
Guzzini Brand Values Culture



Actualités Guzzini

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Magazine IPAC for Guzzini 2023

Télécharger From its inception as a small creative workshop in the medieval heart of Pistoia, in Tuscany, Ipac has grown ...

Catalogue Guzzini Dolcevita Collection 2023

Télécharger Sustainable Design La comparaison entre style, innovation et durabilité environnementale offre toujours de nouvelles pistes de création. C’est de ...

Catalogue Guzzini Design durable 2023

Télécharger le catalogue Des racines solidement ancrées dans un territoire tourné vers l’harmonie, une vocation naturelle pour la recherche de ...
Catalogue 2022 guzzini table kitchen on the go

Catalogue guzzini 2022 Table/Kitchen/On the go

Télécharger Les entreprises centenaires représentent une singularité faite de goût, de sensibilité, de compétence et de créativité. Guzzini : une ...

Guzzini Make lives happen

Télécharger le pdf Make lives happen Au cours des 60 dernières années, l’être humain a produit 8 milliards de tonnes ...